682 pages and counting.

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Plague Child Village GuardBack to Top
This indiviual has the build of a sickly child and is wrapped nearly head to toe in bandages with faintly glowing runes on them.
Nivan Warrior CR 1Back to Top
XP 600
Nivan warrior 1
N Small humanoid
Init +2; Perception +4
Aura disease cloud (5 ft., DC 15)
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 size, +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+5)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Immune disease, poison
Weaknesses light blindness
Speed 20 ft.
Melee tepoztopilli +2 (1d8, fragile plus diseased)
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks diseased (DC 20)
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Infectious Weapons
Skills Craft (weapons) +7, Perception +4
Languages Nivan
Gear tepoztopilli made from drift wood and bits of sharp coral, bandages of quarantine (only if they were permitted to leave the island or greet outsiders dropping their CR by 1 step)
Environment any (Niva's Loss)
Organization solitary, pair
Treasure NPC gear
Special Abilities
Disease Integration (Ex) Plague Children are treated as having a countless number of diseases. Each disease that is successfully removed by a spell or other effect deals 1d4 con damage which cannot be healed by normal means. If the effect requires a check or other roll for each disease, continue making checks until one fails at which point the following checks are automatic failures. If the effect removes all diseases, it instantly kills the Plague Child instead.
Unlike ordinary ability damage this damage is not restored at a rate of 1 point per day and can not be healed by spells and effects that remove ability damage. Rather, it can be healed at a rate of 1 point per week, resetting if further damage is taken this way, and 1d4 points can be healed of it through spells that truly disease their targets such as contagion. Disease like effects, asymptomatic diseases, and effects which end with the duration of the spell do not count.
Disease Cloud (Ex) Each round, all creatures within 5' of a Plague Child must succeed at a fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 plus the plague child's number hit dice plus the their con modifier (normally 15). If a creature fails, roll on the table below to determine which disease they have contracted. This effect otherwise behaves as a non-magical contagion spell.
08-17Blister Phage
18-28Bubonic Plague
29-42Cackle Fever
63-76Red Ache
Diseased (Ex) Plague Children carry many highly contagious diseases that can be spread quite easily. With any successful melee touch attack, they can can attempt to transmit one of their diseases. This behaves like their Disease Cloud ability except the DC is treated as being 5 higher.
Due to the Infectious Weapons feat, village guards also inflict this ability through their weapons.
Hideous Appearance (Ex) Due to hundreds of generations of disease, Plague Children's skin are coated in scars, tumours, boils, and varying malformities that make them appear absolutely repulsive. Plague Children suffer a -10 penalty on all charisma based checks except intimidate checks against any living creature that can clearly see them that is not a Plague Child.