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Mag'har OrcBack to Top
Race Points: 11
Mag'har Orc Racial TraitsBack to Top
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence
Humanoid: Mag'har orcs are humanoid creatures with the orc subtype.
Medium: Mag'har orcs are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Mag'har orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Ancestral Call: A mag'har orc gains the following spell-like ability:
1/day—blessing of fervor
Open Skies: Mag'har orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on Ride checks.
Savage Blood: Effects that cause an orc to be staggered or stunned have their duration reduced by 1 round plus an additional round at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels to a minimum of 1 round.
Sympathetic Vigor: A mag'har orc's animal companion, eidolon, familiar, phantom, cohort, followers, and similar subordinates receive a +2 morale bonus to Constitution while they are within 60 feet of the mag'har orc.
Languages: Mag'har orcs begin play speaking Orcish. Mag'har orcs with high Intelligence scores can choose from Common, Goblin, Gutterspeak, Shalassian, Taur-ahe, Thalassian, and Zandali.
Alternate Racial Traits
You receive a +4 racial bonus to your CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground.
This replaces savage blood.