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Zandalari TrollBack to Top
Race Points: 12
Zandalari Troll Racial TraitsBack to Top
+2 Dexterity, -4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom
Humanoid: Zandalari trolls are humanoid creatures with the troll subtype.
Medium: Zandalari trolls are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Zandalari trolls have a base speed of 30 feet.
City of Gold: Zandalari trolls gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones and on Perception checks to locate hidden valuables.
Embrace of the Loa: Zandalari trolls are tightly tied to their Loa. Each troll can spend an hour in the morning venerating a specific Loa. This time can overlap with similar activities to regain spells. Zandalari trolls that have a class or ability tied to the following of a specific Loa lose that ability if they venerate a different Loa. Spending time venerating a Loa as such grants a zandalari troll the benefits of a single domain or subdomain of that Loa plus an additional effect listed in the Loa's description.
Pterrordax Swoop: Once per day as a spell-like ability, zandalari trolls can summon a pterrordax to safely lower them to the ground. This otherwise functions as feather fall.
Regeneratin': Zandalari trolls have fast healing 1 except their fast healing cannot heal them above a number of hit points equal to their number of levels. Once per day, a zandalari troll can spend 10 minutes resting to heal all damage they've taken.
Languages: Zandalari trolls begin play speaking Orcish and Zandali. Zandalari trolls with high Intelligence scores can choose from Common, Goblin, Gutterspeak, Shalassian, Taur-ahe, and Thalassian.