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Energy Resistance Alchemical OilBack to Top
Price 200 gp, 50 gp (Lesser), 450 gp (Improved), 800 gp (Greater); Weight 1/2 lb.
This oil protects the armor and, by extension, its wearer from a specific type of energy (either acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) granting the armor resistance 10 and its wearer a +2 bonus on saves vs that type of energy. It can also be applied to a shield or other object to grant it resistance 10, though it grants no bonus to its bearer. Lesser oil grants the item resistance 5 and a +1 bonus on saves to the creature wearing the armor. Improved oil grants the item resistance 15 and a +3 bonus on saves to the creature wearing the armor. Greater oil grants the item resistance 20 and a +4 bonus on saves to the creature wearing the armor.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 23, 21 (Lesser), 27 (Improved), 21 (Greater)