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BarjoskadwazBack to Top
Aura Overwhelming Evocation and Illusion(Shadow); CL 30th
Slot none; Price —; Weight varies
This +10 greater potent umbral weapon is made of shadow stuff supported by the wielder's mythic power. It's form is highly mutable allowing it to assume the form of any weapon as though it had the greater transformative quality except that it can be transformed as a swift action and that it does not revert to any form if left unattended. It can also be converted to the form of a dull black metal ring instead of a weapon. This ring does not require using one of the wearer's magic item slots. While in the appropriate forms, Barjoskadwaz gains the benefits of the Gravity Bow, Heart-Piercing, Impact, Keen, Umbral Weapon, and Vorpal qualities and spells. Barjoskadwaz does gain the benefit of the keen quality while in the form of a ranged piercing of slashing weapon. The umbral weapon quality continues to function regardless of the weapon's form. The weapon also has a greater rune of striking engraved onto it, its position shifting based on the weapon's form, that multiplies the number of damage dice dealt by the weapon by 4. Critical damage multipliers stack with this multiplying all damage dice.
Half of the damage dealt by the weapon is categorized as shadow damage. Shadow damage functions like damage from a weapon with the brilliant energy quality except that it also affects undead. Nonliving matter is not affected by the shadow damage. If an attack with the weapon misses but would have hit the target without its armor and shield bonuses to AC (including any enhancement bonuses to that armor), the creature still takes the shadow damage. Constructs and objects are not harmed by the shadow damage. Additionally, the first time each round that a creature is struck by the weapon they can make a DC 30 will save to disbelieve the shadowy blade. On a success, the creature does not take any shadow damage from the weapon for 1 round. The Umbral Weapon spell effect only activates if both the shadow damage and regular damage fail to hit the target.
The greater potent special weapon functions like the potent weapon quality except that there is no maximum enhancement bonus, the wielder may add his entire mythic tier to the enhancement bonus, and that the wielder adds half his mythic tier to the enhancement bonus as long as he carries the weapon.
Barjoskadwaz grants it's wielder the following abilities:
  • The wielder can cast Cloak of Shadows and Shadow Walk each once per day as a supernatural ability.
  • The wielder can cast Shadow Step at-will as a supernatural ability.
  • The wielder gains SR 30. If the wielder already has at least 30 SR, their SR is instead increased by 2.
  • The wielder gains the See in Darkness supernatural ability, true seeing, and the benefits of both See Alignment and Arcane Sight.
  • The wielder can use truespeech.
  • Up to 3 times per day as a standard action, the wielder gains the ability to cut a tear in the fabric of the planes to the plane of shadow. This tear acts as a gate spell created for planar travel. As long as the tear remains, the region around it is affected as if by a Shadow Invasion spell centered on the tear with a radius of 60 ft. Additionally, spells with the shadow descriptor are enhanced and spells with the light descriptor or that use or generate light or fire are impeded as the magic planar traits while inside the radius of the Shadow Invasion effect. This ability only functions on a plane adjacent to the plane of shadow.
  • As a full-round action, the wielder can summon an entrance to the Forest of Shadows from any connected plane in any suitable region. While in the Forest of Shadows, the wielder can create an entrance connecting their current region to the location from which they entered the Forest. Additionally, as long as they are in the Forest of Shadows, the forest is helpful to the wielder.
  • Destruction
    This stat block goes with the Forest of Shadows setting.