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Blasting StaffBack to Top
Aura Moderate Evocation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 2,700 gp; Weight
Unlike a normal staff, this staff can be used by any creature without issue and doesn't cast a specific spell but rather fires a single missile of destructive energy that deals 1d12 physical damage. This damage is affected by damage reduction but treats it as being half.
This staff is a ranged weapon that requires two hands to use and attacks made with it are ranged weapon attacks for all purposes. It has a range increment of 50 feet.
Using this staff, however, requires ammunition in the form of spellbolts. In order to use a blasting staff, it must be attuned to a spellbolt of at least 3rd level which will provide the spell energy necessary to generate and fire the missile. Attuning a blasting staff to a spellbolt requires a full-round action and provokes an attack of opportunity. A blasting staff can only be attuned to one spellbolt at a time.
Requirements Craft Wand, magic missile; Cost 1,350 gp