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Blessed Holy SymbolBack to Top
Aura Faint Universal; CL 1st
Slot Focus; Price 1,400 gp; Weight
This holy symbol has been specifically blessed by the clergy of the specific deity to which it is a symbol of, and grants believers additional favor.
Followers of the god associated with the holy symbol may reroll one attack roll, combat maneuver check, or skill check before the result of the roll or check is known each day. They must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. Followers may use this ability one extra time each day for each level they possess in a divine spell casting class devoted to that god.
A blessed holy symbol can be upgraded to grant the follower an additional use of a prepared spell.
When the item is upgraded, the crafter must choose a caster level to create the holy symbol at. This can be increased later like adding a new ability.
If the wielder of an upgraded blessed holy symbol is capable of casting divine spells in a class devoted to the god associated with the holy symbol, once per day on command, the holy symbol enables the possessor to recall any one spell that they had prepared and then cast that day. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. The spell can be any level up to the maximum spell level of the holy symbol which is half the caster level rounded up.
The price of an upgraded a blessed holy symbol increses by (the caster level plus 1) squared, times 200 gp.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fallback strategy; Cost 700 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item; Special creator must be able to cast spells of the highest spell level that can be recalled.; Cost see text