778 pages and counting.

22 pages in this section.

Staff of Thunder's FuryBack to Top
Aura Overwhelming Evocation; CL 23rd
Slot —; Price 101,200 gp; Weight 5 lb.
This silver staff has veins of quartz running up and down its length. The head of the staff is topped with a large quartz crystal with a small bolt of lightning continuously arcing down its length and shedding light as per the spell.
By expending a charge from the staff, the following spell can be cast:
Thunder's FuryBack to Top
School Evocation [air, electricity]; Level 11
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S, M/DF (a chunk of amber and piece of iron)
Range 1 mile/level
Area 1 mile radius and 2 mile high cylinder
Duration concentration up to 10 minutes
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance no
Storm clouds cover the area as wind and lightning pummel the region. The wind in the area increases to hurricane force winds with the wind in each square blowing a random direction each round. These winds render ranged attacks impossible, and siege weapons take a –8 penalty on attack rolls. Large or smaller creatures must succeed at a DC 15 Strength check or they are unable to move forward against the strength of the wind. Medium or smaller creatures on the ground must succeed at a DC 15 Strength check or they are knocked prone and roll 1d6x10 feet, taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet. Flying creatures must succeed at a DC 25 Fly check or they are blown back 2d8×10 feet and take 4d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting. Each round, creatures, objects, and structures in the area have a 50% chance to find themselves in the path of wild lightning bolts that snake every which way without reason. Creatures, objects, and structures hit by a bolt take 10d8 electricity damage.
In addition, the ruckus caused by the storm makes it impossible to hear creatures more than 5 feet away.
Charging a staff of thunder's fury requires expending 4 9th level spell slots.
Prerequisite Craft Staves, a written copy of thunder's fury; Cost: 50,600 gp