778 pages and counting.

22 pages in this section.

Staff of True DeathBack to Top
Aura Overwhelming Necromancy; CL 21st
Slot —; Price 84,000 gp; Weight 5 lb.
This staff is a pure impenetrable black with a blackened raven's skull mounted on its end. Creatures with 10 or fewer hit dice within 30 feet of the staff must make a DC 25 Will save or else become panicked. Regardless of the outcome of the save, it remains in effect for 24 hours before a new save is required to attempt to approach the staff.
By expending a charge from the staff, the following spell can be cast:
True DeathBack to Top
School Necromancy [death]; Level 10
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a small hourglass filled with grave dust)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target(s) one or more creatures within 120 feet of each other
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude or Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance yes
True death instantly slays the target creatures. The spell slays 1d8 HD worth of target creatures per caster level (maximum 25d8). Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first; among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to you are affected first. HD that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Against undead creatures or other creature types immune to death effects, this spell is treated as not having the death descriptor.
Charging a staff of true death requires expending 2 9th level spell slots.
Prerequisite Craft Staves, a written copy of true death; Cost: 42,000 gp