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Iron RodBack to Top
Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 20th
Slot none; Price 122,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This plain iron rod denotes a right to rule and is infused with the powers of Heaven. An iron rod acts as a masterwork light mace. An iron rod has a number of functions as detailed below.
The wielder of an iron rod is aware of any action or item that could adversely affect their stance and their standing with their deity, including magical effects. They acquire this information prior to performing such an action or becoming associated with such an item if they take a moment to contemplate the act.
The wielder of this rod also gains a +5 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks. Furthermore, once per day, and on command, the wielder can affect up to 20 living creatures with good hope, as the spell. If the wielder of an iron rod has the Leadership feat, they may attract double the normal number of followers for their Leadership score; however, if the rod is out of the wielder’s possession for more than 1 week these extra followers leave. In addition, an iron rod radiates a continuous bless effect that affects any cohort, follower, animal companion, familiar, special mount, or creature charmed or summoned by the wielder (but not called creatures or those under dominate or other compulsion effects). Whenever the wielder creates an effect that provides a morale bonus to such creatures (not including the rod's bless effect), that bonus increases by 1.
And finally, once per week, an iron rod can be used to perform a powerful miracle without needing the normal material component cost.
Requirements Craft Rod, bless, detect good, detect law, good hope, miracle; Cost 61,000 gp