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Staff of Truthlight
Staff of TruthlightBack to Top
Aura Strong Divination; CL 15th
Slot none; Price —; Weight 5 lbs.
This 5-foot-long polished metal staff is rather plain except for the brightly glowing clear octahedral gem at its tip.
The gem emits light as the spell daylight. All creatures and objects illuminated by this light within 60 feet can be seen by all creatures that could otherwise see them as though under the effects of true seeing. All creatures get a +15 competence bonus to sight-based perception checks to see things illuminated by the gem and can see through magical and normal fogs, mists, and similar obscurement within the area illuminated by the gem. The Staff of Truthlight emits a sphere of power that negates invisibility within the staff's light as per invisibility purge.
These effects are limited by the area illuminated by the gem and effects or objects which reduce or block light will reduce or block the area effected, likewise effects which increase light will increase the effected area.
A Staff of Truthlight hold charges and be used as a normal staff except that the spells affect the vision of all creatures but only apply to creatures, objects, or areas within the area of bright light created by the staff.
  • Greater Arcane Sight, 2 charges
  • Analyse Dweomer, 1 charge
  • Aura Sight, 1 charge
  • Discern Lies, 1 charge
  • A Staff of Truthlight can be used as a +5 Glorious Truthful Limning quarterstaff.
    A Staff of Truthlight can be used for a retributive strike, requiring it to be broken by its wielder. (If this breaking of the staff is purposeful and declared by the wielder, it can be performed as a standard action that does not require the wielder to make a Strength check.) All charges currently in the staff are instantly released in a 30-foot spread. All creatures and objects within 2 squares of the broken staff take an amount of damage equal to 20 x the number of charges in the staff, those 3 or 4 squares away take an amount of damage equal to 15 x the number of charges, and those 5 or 6 squares away take an amount of damage equal to 10 x the number of charges. All those affected can make DC 17 Reflex saves to reduce the damage by half. Additionally, illusion and transmutation (polymorph) effects within a 30-foot spread are dispelled as though by Mage's Disjunction.
    The character breaking the staff has a 50% chance of traveling to another plane of existence (01—50 on a d%), but if she does not, the explosive release of spell energy instantly destroys them. Only certain items, including the staff of the magi and the staff of power, are capable of being used for a retributive strike.