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Draconic AscensionBack to Top
School Transmutation (Transmogrification); Level arcanist 10, skald 10, sorcerer 10, wizard 10
Casting Time 24 hours
Components V, S, M (a gemstone whose color matches that of the dragon you become worth at least 250,000 gp)
Range personal
Target(s) self
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You unleash ultimate magic and transform yourself into a dragon. You become an old metallic, chromatic, imperial, primal, outer, or esoteric dragon of your choice with the following exceptions.
Instead of receiving the scores of the dragon whose form you take, your mental scores are increased by +8, your Strength increases by +18, your Dexterity decreases by -6, and your Constitution increases by +10. You do not receive any racial hit dice or levels in sorcerer from being a dragon.
You also gain a supernatural ability to polymorph yourself back to your original form at will until dismissed. While in your original form, you lose the adjustments to your physical ability scores.