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Shade Silk ArmorBack to Top
Cost 5,850 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Armor Bonus +6; Max Dex Bonus +8; Armor Check Penalty 0
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 0%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.
Proficiency Light
Spun from the shadowy silk of the Shade Spiders and reinforced with thin plates of adamantite, this armor wraps the wearer in shadows making the wearer invisible in dim-light and darkness and granting a 20% miss chance in normal light. The invisibility in dim-light and is reduced to a 20% miss chance against creatures with darkvision or see in darkness and the miss chance on normal light is negated against such creatures. If you have a drow’s weapon familiarity racial trait, you treat the Shade Silk Armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus as 2 higher.
This stat block goes with the Amospia setting.