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Feruchemical PewterBack to Top
Burn Rate 1 round
User Brute
Quadrant Physical
Brutes can store physical strength and muscle mass in pewter. When a brute stores strength they receive a multiplicative penalty to strength and have a visibly decreased muscle mass often becoming scrawny. Conversely, while tapping strength, brutes receive a multiplicative bonus to strength and have a visibly increased muscle mass often becoming quite bulky. Due to the changes in body dimensions, brutes often wear loose or resizing clothing and resizing metalminds.
Pewter Increments
IncrementStrength Bonus
Feruchemical Pewter Savantism Effects
PointsEffect(s) While UsingDrawback
10The brute receives a +2 bonus to strength.The brute takes a -2 penalty strength.
30The brute receives a +2 bonus to strength.The brute takes a -2 penalty strength.
60The brute receives a +2 bonus to strength.The brute takes a -2 penalty strength.
100The brute receives a +2 bonus to strength.The brute takes a -2 penalty strength.
This stat block goes with the Cosmere setting.