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21 pages in this section.

Full LashingAdhesionWindrunnersInfuse a region that tightly adheres to other objects.
Basic LashingGravitationHeavenly Ones, Skybreakers, WindrunnersChange the direction of gravity for a touched creature or object.
Half LashingGravitationHeavenly Ones, Skybreakers, WindrunnersCancel out the direction of gravity for a touched creature or object.
Advanced LashingsGravitationHeavenly Ones, Skybreakers, WindrunnersGrants you a gravitic flight speed.
DecayDivisionDevastating Ones, Dustbringers, SkybreakersCause touched object or creature to crumble, burn, or otherwise break down.
SlickingAbrasionDustbringers, Edgedancers, Flowing OnesTouched surface becomes slick.
StickingAbrasionDustbringers, Edgedancers, Flowing OnesTouched surface becomes easy to hold onto.
GrowthProgressionEdgedancers, TruthwatchersMakes one or more plants grow.
RegrowthProgressionEdgedancers, TruthwatchersHeals touched creature.
Carapace GrowthProgressionMagnified OnesGrows and shapes carapce.
LightweavingIlluminationLightweavers, Masked Ones, TruthwatchersCreates a visual illusion.
SoulcastingTransformationAltered Ones, Elsecallers, LightweaversTransmutes the substance of an object into something else.
ElsecallingTransportationElsecallers, WillshapersTransports you and up to 7 other creatures to another plane.
EvacuateTransportationHusked OnesLeave your body and generate a new one a short distance away.
StoneshapingCohesionStonewards, WillshapersStone becomes easy to shape.
Stoneshaping, GreaterCohesionStonewards, WillshapersStone takes forms on command.
Stone PhaseCohesionDeepest OnesAllows travelling through solid stone.
Harden/SoftenTensionFocused Ones, StonewardsTouched object becomes harder or softer.
Reverse LashingAdhesion, GravitationWindrunnersTouched object attracts other objects.
RepairAdhesion, TensionBondsmithsRestore broken objects.
This stat block goes with the Cosmere setting.