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Feruchemical ZincBack to Top
Burn Rate 1 minute
User Sparker
Quadrant Cognitive
Sparkers can store mental speed making them dimwitted and slow while storing and clever while tapping. This results in a multiplicative bonus or penalty to intelligence.
Zinc Increments
IncrementIntelligence Bonus
Feruchemical Zinc Savantism Effects
PointsEffect(s) While UsingDrawback
10The sparker receives a +2 bonus to intelligence.The sparker takes a -2 penalty intelligence.
30The sparker receives a +2 bonus to intelligence.The sparker takes a -2 penalty intelligence.
60The sparker receives a +2 bonus to intelligence.The sparker takes a -2 penalty intelligence.
100The sparker receives a +2 bonus to intelligence.The sparker takes a -2 penalty intelligence.
This stat block goes with the Cosmere setting.