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Lifeless (+0, see text)Back to Top
Acquired/Inherited Template Acquired
Simple Template No
Usable with Summons No
Type II BioChromatic entities are Mindless Manifestations in a Deceased Host, or more commonly known as "Lifeless", and are non-sentient reanimated humanoid or animal remains. Their brains continue to function; they are therefore able to interpret old commands and receive new commands. These creatures are made via complex Commands that reanimate a dead person or animal. These Commands are guarded closely by those who know them. To an appropriately skilled awakener, lifeless are easy to create requiring only 1 Breath.
"Lifeless" is an inherited template that can be added to the corpse of any creature, referred to hereafter as the base creature.
Challenge Rating: The CR of a lifeless doesn't usually change as they maintain most of their abilities but base creatures with especially high constitution scores or that rely on magical abilities will produce weaker lifeless.
Alignment: A lifeless's alignment is changed to N.
Type: A lifeless's type changes to construct.
Hit Dice: A lifeless retains all hit dice possessed by the base creature and gains bonus hit points as appropriate for a construct of its size.
Defensive Abilities: A lifeless loses all of its supernatural and spell-like defensive abilities and gains all of the immunities and traits possessed by constructs.
Attacks: A lifeless retains all the natural and manufactured weapon attacks and weapon and armor proficiencies of the base creature.
Special Attacks: A lifeless loses all of the base creature's supernatural and spell-like special attacks but retains all other special attacks.
Spell-like Abilities: A lifeless loses all spell-like abilities possessed by the base creature.
Spellcasting: A lifeless loses all spellcasting possessed by the base creature.
Abilities: A lifeless has no constitution score and a minimum intelligence of 5.
Base Attack Bonus: A lifeless' base attack bonus is equal to its number of Hit Dice.
Feats: A lifeless retains its feats though it cannot use feats it no longer meets the prerequisistes of.
Skills: A lifeless loses or gains a number of skill points to match their new intelligence.
Languages: A lifeless retains all languages possessed by the base creature and gains the native language of the awakener that created them if they do not already possess it.
Special Qualities: A lifeless loses all spell-like and supernatural abilities possessed by the base creature.
Variant LifelessBack to Top
Typical lifeless are constructed from corpses without modification other than basic preservation techniques, but various augmentations can be performed on a body before awakening it to yield a stronger construct.
Stone Lifeless
Stone Lifeless are created by encasing a skeleton in stone or transmuting a body into stone before awakening it. If the body is encased in, or transmuted to, a different material instead, they instead receive the hardness of that material instead and may receive more or less additional hit points.
Hit Dice: A stone lifeless gains an additional hit dice as a creature two size categories larger. Gargantuan stone lifeless receive 100 additional hit points and Colossal stone lifeless receive 120 additional hit points.
Defensive Abilities: Stone lifeless also gain hardness 8.
This stat block goes with the Cosmere setting.