773 pages and counting.

2 pages in this section.

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Reason: Not all orders are as of yet known or known well enough to determine all necessary features.

Orders of the Knight RadiantBack to Top
The Knights Radiant is comprised of ten different Orders, some of which have several hundred members. Each Order has two Surges associated with it, and each Surge is used by two different Orders.
WindrunnersBack to Top
Windrunners bond with honorspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation. The combination of these two Surges results in the powers known as the Three Lashings. Windrunners are associated with the sapphire polestone, the essence of Zephyr, and the Herald Jezrien.
Good Saves Fortitude and Reflex
Bad Saves Will
Primary Surge Adhesion
Secondary Surge Gravitation
Radiant Spren Honorspren
Lesser Spren Windspren
Additional Class Skills Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Fly
Order Abilities
Strength of Squires (Su): Windrunners are able to empower more squires and grant them benefits over a longer distance. At 6th level they gain Leadership as a bonus feat with a +4 to their Leadership Score. The cohort and followers gained from this feat become the knight's squires and gain benefits as normal. These are in addition to the normal limit of squires a knight radiant can have.
Reverse Lashing: Windrunners gain access to the reverse lashing spell-like surgebinding ability at first level.
SkybreakersBack to Top
Skybreakers bond with highspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Gravitation and Division. Skybreakers are associated with the smokestone polestone, the essence of Vapor, and the Herald Nale.
Good Saves Fortitude and Will
Bad Saves Reflex
Primary Surge Gravitation
Secondary Surge Division
Radiant Spren Highspren
Lesser Spren ?
Additional Class Skills Fly, Sense Motive, ? (Division)
Order Abilities
Code of Law: Skybreakers must be lawful.
Aura of Law (Ex): The power of a Skybreaker's aura of law (see the detect law spell) is equivalent to the aura of a cleric of the same level.
Divining Gaze (Ex): Skybreakers are trained and skilled at separating truth from lie, granting them a +5 bonus Sense Motive and they can make a Sense Motive check against an individual's Will save as a full round action. On a success they determine the creature's alignment. On a failure the creature may make a Bluff check opposed by a Sense Motive check by the skybreaker. If the creature succeeds at their Bluff check, the skybreaker believes the creature's alignment to be whatever the creature decides. If the creature fails, the skybreaker is aware they failed to detect the creature's alignment. In any of the cases, the skybreaker cannot make another attempt for 24 hours.
DustbringersBack to Top
Dustbringers - or as they prefer, Releasers - bond with ashspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Division and Abrasion. Their powers tend to be destructive. Dustbringers are associated with the ruby polestone, the essence of Spark, and the Herald Chanarach.
Good Saves Fortitude and Will
Bad Saves Reflex
Primary Surge Division
Secondary Surge Abrasion
Radiant Spren Ashspren
Lesser Spren ?
Additional Class Skills Acrobatics, Disable Device, ? (Division)
Order Abilities
Tinkers: Dustbringers are skilled at taking things apart and learning how they work. Dustbringers receive a +5 bonus to Disable Device checks.
EdgedancersBack to Top
Edgedancers bond with cultivationspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Abrasion and Progression. Edgedancers are associated with the diamond polestone, the essence of Lucentia, and the Herald Vedel.
Good Saves Reflex and Will
Bad Saves Fortitude
Primary Surge Abrasion
Secondary Surge Progression
Radiant Spren Cultivationspren
Lesser Spren Lifespren
Additional Class Skills Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Heal
Order Abilities
Friend of the People: Edgedancers must be good.
TruthwatchersBack to Top
Truthwatchers bond with mistspren, gaining the ability to use the Surges of Progression and Illumination. The surge of Progression grants the Truthwatchers the power of regrowth, which allows them to heal people. Truthwatchers are associated with the emerald polestone, the essence of Pulp, and the Herald Pailiah.
Good Saves Reflex and Will
Bad Saves Fortitude
Primary Surge Progression
Secondary Surge Illumination
Radiant Spren Mistspren
Lesser Spren ?
Additional Class Skills Heal, Disguise, Sense Motive
Order Abilities
??: ??
LightweaversBack to Top
Lightweavers bond with Cryptics, or liespren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Illumination and Transformation. They can create illusions and have the inherent ability to Soulcast. Lightweavers are associated with the garnet polestone, the essence of Blood, and the Herald Shalash.
Good Saves Reflex and Will
Bad Saves Fortitude
Primary Surge Illumination
Secondary Surge Transformation
Radiant Spren Cryptics
Lesser Spren Creationspren
Additional Class Skills Bluff, Disguise, Perception
Order Abilities
Mnemonic Ability (Ex): Lightweavers possess the ability to capture a copy of a scene or image in their memory. This copy is perfect, with the exception of text, the contents of which are not retained. While stored as such, the lightweaver cannot directly access the contents of the image. It can be used to replicate the scene while drawing, painting, sculpting, or performing other creative works in order to recreate the image. Once this is done the lightweaver loses the memory and cannot reuse it. A lightweaver may store a maximum number of such images at a time equal to their level.
If an image is used to create an illusion using lightweaving, the lightweaver receives a +5 bonus and is treated as having rolled a 20 on whichever skill was used to create the illusion. Similarly, if a work of art was created using a stored image and then used as a focus to create a lightweaving illusion, the lightweaver is treated as having rolled a 20 on the skill used to create the work of art.
ElsecallersBack to Top
Elsecallers bond with inkspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Transformation and Transportation. They have the inherent ability to Soulcast. They have the closest affiliation with Shadesmar out of all the orders. Elsecallers are associated with the zircon polestone, the essence of Tallow, and the Herald Battar.
Good Saves Fortitude and Will
Bad Saves Reflex
Primary Surge Transformation
Secondary Surge Transportation
Radiant Spren Inkspren
Lesser Spren Logicspren
Additional Class Skills Knowledge (pick one), Perception, ? (Transportation)
Order Abilities
Distant Soulcasting: Elsecallers are able to use the surge of transportation in aid in their use of the surge of transformation. Doing so allows them to extend the range of the soulcasting ability from touch to close (25 ft + 5 ft./level).
WillshapersBack to Top
Willshapers bond with lightspren, also known as Reachers, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Transportation and Cohesion.[13] Willshapers are associated with the amethyst polestone, the essence of Foil, and the Herald Kalak.
Good Saves Fortitude and Will
Bad Saves Reflex
Primary Surge Transportation
Secondary Surge Cohesion
Radiant Spren Lightspren
Lesser Spren ?
Additional Class Skills ? (Cohesion), ? (Transportation), ? (Willshaper)
Order Abilities
??: ??
StonewardsBack to Top
Stonewards bond with peakspren, gaining the ability to use the Surges of Cohesion and Tension. Stonewards are associated with the topaz polestone, the essence of Talus, and the Herald Talenel.
Good Saves Fortitude and Will
Bad Saves Reflex
Primary Surge Cohesion
Secondary Surge Tension
Radiant Spren Peakspren
Lesser Spren ?
Additional Class Skills Diplomacy, ? (Cohesion), ? (Tension)
Order Abilities
??: ??
BondsmithsBack to Top
Bondsmiths bond with three unique spren—the Stormfather, the Sibling, and the Nightwatcher—which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Tension and Adhesion. Bondsmiths are associated with the heliodor polestone, the essence of Sinew, and the Herald Ishar.
Good Saves Fortitude and Will
Bad Saves Reflex
Primary Surge Tension
Secondary Surge Adhesion
Radiant Spren Various (Special, see text)
Lesser Spren Gloryspren
Additional Class Skills Diplomacy, ? (Tension), ? (Bondsmith)
Order Abilities
Greater Spren: Bondsmiths form bonds with one of three incredibly powerful spren. As such there can only be 3 bondsmiths at any given time, though they can each have a number of squires. These spren are the Stormfather, the Nightmother, and the Sibling. Unlike normal radiant spren, distance between the spren and the knight has no effect. These spren do not usually travel with their bonded knight though they can still grant all of the usual benefits and can communicate telepathically and empathically with their bonded knight. Similarly, bondsmiths do not gain access to the Shardblade class feature as their spren cannot be summoned as a blade.
Beacon of Light (Su): Bondsmiths can call large quantities of investiture of a type matching the shard or shards whose investiture composes their bonded spren. This can be collected in nearby gemstones or can be absorbed by individuals capable of absorbing that type of investiture. When the Stormfather's bondsmith uses this ability, it calls Honor's perpendicularity to them, returning when they stop, which can be used to travel between the Cognitive and Physical Realms.
This stat block goes with the Cosmere setting.