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Allomantic Quintenium/ChromiumBack to Top
Burn Time 1 round
Quadrant Enhancement; Internal/External External; Pushing/Pulling Pulling
While burning quintenium/chromium, any creature or object touched by the misting is affected as though by the targeted dispel effect of the greater dispel magic spell except that the misting cannot name a specific effect to dispel but they may choose to pick an adjacent square to dispel ongoing effects in the region similar to dispelling effects on a creature. The misting's caster level counts as twice the spell level of their allomancy for the purpose of this effect. The misting cannot use this ability on themself.
There is no limit to the number of effects that can be dispelled and the misting receives a +5 bonus to the dispel check.
Allomantic Quintenium/Chromium Savantism Effects
PointsEffect(s) While Using
10The misting may name one spell or effect to not dispel on the target. When doing so, the misting must make another caster level check vs the dispel check. If it succeeds the named spell is skipped when determining which effects are dispelled.
20The misting receives a +2 bonus to the dispel check and +3 bonus to checks to skip a potential spell effect.
30The misting may name two effects, making seperate checks to avoid dispelling each.
40The misting receives a +2 bonus to the dispel check and +3 bonus to checks to skip a potential spell effect.
60The misting receives a +2 bonus to the dispel check and +3 bonus to checks to skip a potential spell effect and the misting may name three effects, making seperate checks to avoid dispelling each.
80The misting receives a +2 bonus to the dispel check and +3 bonus to checks to skip a potential spell effect.
100The misting receives a +2 bonus to the dispel check and +3 bonus to checks to skip a potential spell effect and the misting may name four effects, making seperate checks to avoid dispelling each.
This stat block goes with the Cosmere setting.