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Allomantic Quintenium/CopperBack to Top
Burn Time 1 round
Quadrant Mental; Internal/External Internal; Pushing/Pulling Pulling
While burning quintenium/copper, the misting becomes invisible as per invisibility, except that it lasts so long as they continue burning the metal. If the misting performs an action that makes the invisibility end, it returns at the beginning of their next turn so long as they are still burning quintenium/copper.
While flaring quintenium/copper, the misting becomes magically silenced to other creatures while invisible.
Allomantic Quintenium/Copper Savantism Effects
PointsEffect(s) While Using
10The first time per day that the misting makes an attack while invisible, the effect does not end.
30There is a 30% chance on subsequent attacks that the invisibility does not end.
60The effects functions as greater invisibility instead.
100Up to 4 other creatures all in contact with the misting are also made invisible. If the misting is flaring, the other creatures are also silenced.
This stat block goes with the Cosmere setting.