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Allomantic Quintenium/ZincBack to Top
Burn Time 1 minute
Quadrant Physical; Internal/External Internal; Pushing/Pulling Pulling
While burning quintenium/zinc, the misting is able to weave words that entrance their subjects. As a standard action, the misting can make a Diplomacy check opposed by the target's Will save. If the misting succeeds the target becomes charmed as though by charm monster except that it is language-dependent and that it lasts as long as the misting continues burning quintenium/zinc.
The subjects of the misting's charm are magically compelled to follow the misting's instructions as suggestion/i except the subjects do not receive a save.
Allomantic Quintenium/Zinc Savantism Effects
PointsEffect(s) While UsingDrawback
10Treat the subject's attitude as helpful instead.
20The misting receives a +4 bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.The misting takes a -4 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
30Subjects can understand the misting so long as they can understand any spoken language.
40The misting receives a +4 bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.The misting takes a -4 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
60The misting receives a +4 bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks and subjects can understand the misting as though the misting had truespeech.The misting takes a -4 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
80The misting receives a +4 bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.The misting takes a -4 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
100The misting receives a +4 bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks and the effect can affect creatures that are otherwise immune to mind-affecting effects.The misting takes a -4 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
This stat block goes with the Cosmere setting.