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Fire Bomb1BombDeals 1d6 fire damage per level, maximum 5d6, and half that as splash.
Advanced Acid1BombDeals 1d6 acid damage per level, maximum 5d6, and half that as splash.
Chill Bomb1BombDeals 1d6 cold damage per level, maximum 5d6, and half that as splash.
Volatile Capacitor1BombDeals 1d6 electricity damage per level, maximum 5d6, and half that as splash.
Sonic Burst Jar1BombDeals 1d6 sonic damage per level, maximum 5d6, and half that as splash.
Advanced Alchemist Fire3BombDeals fire damage and covers affected creatures in burning material.
Concentrated Acid3BombDeals acid damage that bypasses some hardness and resistance.
Freezing Bomb3BombDeals cold damage and slows affected creatures.
Overcharged Capacitor3BombDeals electricity damage and may stun the primary target.
Thunder Jar3BombDeals sonic damage and has a chance to deafen.
Fog Bottle2ActivatedCreates a cloud of alchemical powder that obsures sight.
Shimmer Cloud2ActivatedCreates a fine mist of particles that reveal illusions.
Oobleck7CauldronCreates a mysterious new form of weather that sticks creatures in the area to the ground.
Draught of True Form3ImbibedNullifies polymorph effects on the drinker, returning them to their true form.
Fire Rocket3RocketDeals 1d6 fire damage per level in a 20-ft. radius spread.
Freezing Rocket6RocketDeals 1d6 cold damage per level in a 40-ft. radius spread.
Planar Grenade8BombDeals 1d6 damage per level, and an additional effect, with a large and powerful splash.
Grenade3BombA more stable, but delayed, explosive that prioritizes explosive force.
Grenade, Improved5BombDeals 1d6 damage per level and deafens nearby creatures.
Elemental Grenade6BombA grenade that deals 1d6 energy damage per level.
Tracking Dust1SubstanceAn invisible powder that can be used to track an individual.
Tracking Light0ActivatedThe glow from this light reveals tracking powder.
Annort3CreationAn engineered metal that opposes necromantic forces of undeath.
Planar Shunt7CauldronShift the cauldron and up to eight creatures to another plane.
Gateway9CauldronCreates a portal to another plane as long as it is tended.
Mist of Astral Projection5ActivatedCreates a mist that casts a creature's mind to the astral plane.
Mist of Ethereal Projection5ActivatedCreates a mist that casts a creature's mind to the etheral plane.
Death Diving Draught6ImbibedTemporarily kills the drinker allowing visitation to the afterlife.
Light Oil0AppliedGlows like a torch when applied.
Silver Oil0AppliedAllows a weapon to overcome DR/silver.
Cold Iron Oil1AppliedAllows a weapon to overcome DR/cold iron.
Adamantine Oil2AppliedAllows a weapon to overcome DR/adamantine and ignore hardness less than 20.
Annort Oil1AppliedAllows a weapon to overcome the resistances of undead.
Flaming Oil1AppliedCoats a weapon in fire, making it deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage.
Frost Oil1AppliedCoats a weapon in frost, making it deal an additional 1d6 points of cold damage.
Corrosive Oil1AppliedCoats a weapon in acid, making it deal an additional 1d6 points of acid damage.
Shock Oil1AppliedCoats a weapon in electricity, making it deal an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage.
Energy Resistance Oil2AppliedGrants an object energy resistance.
Draught of Acid Proof2AppliedGrants the drinker acid resistance.
Draught of Cold Proof2AppliedGrants the drinker cold resistance.
Draught of Electricity Proof2AppliedGrants the drinker electricity resistance.
Draught of Fire Proof2AppliedGrants the drinker fire resistance.
Elixir of Healing, Lesser1ImbibedRestores 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +5).
Elixir of Healing2ImbibedRestores 2d8 damage + 1/level (max +10).
Elixir of Healing, Improved3ImbibedRestores 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15).
Elixir of Healing, Greater4ImbibedRestores 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20).
Elixir of Healing, Maximum5ImbibedRestores 5d8 damage + 1/level and restores life to recently slain creatures.
Tindertwig Box0ActivatedCreates a box of 25 tindertwigs that can be used to light fires.
Daylight Oil3AppliedShines bright light when applied.
Sunrod0ActivatedGlows brightly when struck.
Sunrod, Greater3ActivatedShines like the sun when struck.
Anti-Plague3ImbibedCures diseases affecting the drinker.
Antidote, Lesser1ImbibedHelps neutralize poisons affecting the drinker.
Antidote3ImbibedNeutralizes poisons affecting the drinker.
Antidote, Greater5ImbibedAutomatically neutralizes poisons affecting the drinker and undoes their effects.
Plague Vial3BombInfects nearby creatures with a disease.
Plague Vial, Greater5BombInfects nearby creatures with a disease.
Blinding Spray2ActivatedThis fine spray causes blindness in the target.
Deafening Cell2ActivatedThis object is designed to burst with a sound loud enough to cause permanent deafness.
Dazing Cell0ActivatedThe target is dazed for 1 round.
Flash Cell0ActivatedThe target is dazzled for 1 minute.
Water Purifying Salts0CreationPurifies water when added.
Bull's Strength Mutagen2ImbibedGrants a bonus to strength and a penalty to intelligence.
Cat's Grace Mutagen2ImbibedGrants a bonus to dexterity and a penalty to wisdom.
Bear's Endurance Mutagen2ImbibedGrants a bonus to constitution and a penalty to charisma.
Fox's Cunning Mutagen2ImbibedGrants a bonus to intelligence and a penalty to strength.
Owl's Wisdom Mutagen2ImbibedGrants a bonus to wisdom and a penalty to dexterity.
Eagle's Splendor Mutagen2ImbibedGrants a bonus to charisma and a penalty to constitution.
Allsoup1ImbibedFeeds 6 creatures.
Allsoup, Large Batch2ImbibedFeeds 40 creatures.
Allsoup, Greater6ImbibedFeeds 20 creatures, cures their diseases and poisons, and grants morale bonuses.
Transmute Lead Into Gold9CreationTransmutes up to 1,000 pounds of lead into gold.
Transmute Iron Into Silver4CreationTransmutes up to 1,000 pounds of iron into silver.
Adhesive Solvent1CreationCreates a single dose of universal solvent.
Age Resisting Draught, Lesser4ImbibedNegates the physical detriments of being middle aged.
Age Resisting Draught6ImbibedNegates the physical detriments of being middle and old aged.
Age Resisting Draught, Greater7ImbibedNegates the physical detriments of being middle, old, and venerable aged.
Potion of Youth9ImbibedReverses the aging process, making the drinker young again.
Astral Scrying5CauldronAllows nearby creatures to observe a target using astral projection.
Weak Acid Flask0BombDeals 1d4 points of acid damage and 1 point of splash.
Weak Alchemical Fire0BombDeals 1d4 points of fire damage and 1 point of splash.
Alkali Flask2BombDeals acid damage and twice as much damage to slimes.
Rusting Bomb2BombRusts objects giving the broken condition or dealing 1d8 points of damage per level, maximum 5d8, to creatures.
Snapdragon Firework0RocketTakes a zigzag path to the target and deals 1d4 damage and dazzles creatures there.
Smoke Rocket1RocketLeaves a trail of thick smoke before bursting into a cloud of smoke.
Flame Fountain1ActivatedCreates a 3-foot-long fountain of sparks that can be wielded as a weapon.
Dancing Peonies1ActivatedContains 3 packets that move randomly and deal small amounts of damage and blind creatures momentarily.
Dragon Firework2RocketDeals damage in a line along its path.
Desnan Candle1ActivatedFires small glowing projectiles each round that can burn targets.
Infused Holy Water2BombBurns evil outsiders and undead, dealing 1d8 damage to outsiders and 1d8 per 2 levels to undead.
Unholy Water2BombBurns good outsiders, dealing 1d8 damage.
Aligned Vial4BombDeals 1d6 damage per level, max 10d6, to creatures of the opposite alignment of the vial or 1d8 per level, max 10d8, if the target is an outsider.
Analgesic Syrup0ImbibedSoothes feelings of pain.
Draught of Sobriety0ImbibedSobers up the drinker and removes hangovers.
Alchemist's Energy0ImbibedMakes the drinker more awake, staving off drowsiness and sleep.