Aura Moderate Abjuration; CL 9th
Price 90,000 gp | 23 BP | 0x1518 I | 0x15 NBP |
This mausoleum has been enchanted with holy magic that allows it to protect the body of the interred creature from necromancy. Creatures inside the mausoleum cannot be raised or animated using necromancy. Undead creatures also cannot enter the mausoleum, teleport into the mausoleum, or cast spells that affect the inside of the mausoleum.
The interior of the mausoleum must fit within a 85-foot-diameter circle.
Requirements Construct Magic Building, consecrate; Cost 45,000 gp / 11 BP / 0xA8C I / 0xB NBP
This stat block goes with the
Amospia setting.