682 pages and counting.

21 pages in this section.

Potions come with many different effects. Some potions have effects that last more than 1 round. A creature can only be under the effects of one instance of a type of potion at a time. If the creature drinks a potion whose effect they are already under, both instances of the potion track their duration separately but only the strongest potion has any effect. Each different effect can be found in regular, splash, and lingering variants.
Splash potions can be thrown as throwing weapons with a range increment of 20 feet except that they deal no damage, instead a splash potion affects all creatures who are splashed by the potion though they had drank the potion. Creatures in the area can make a Reflex save with a DC equal to 10 plus the caster level of the potion. On a successful save, numerical effects of the potion are reduced by half and non-numerical effects are negated. If the potion had a duration, it is reduced 1d4+1 rounds on a successful save or 2d4+2 rounds if the potion is extended.
Lingering potions behave similarly except that they can only be thrown targetting grid intersections and they leave an alchemical mist behind that lasts for 3d6 rounds afterward. This mist does not obscure vision but, any creature who passes through this mist, or ends their turn in it, take, are affected by the original potion with no save, however each time a creature receives this effect the duration of the mist is reduced by one round. If the duration is reduced to zero, the mist ends.
Alchemical ammunition can also be created that carry the properties of the properties of the potion. Any creature hit with an attack from one of these pieces of ammunition is affected as though they had drank the potion. Alchemical ammunition can be made from any regular type of ammunition. If alchemical ammunition is recovered, the alchemical properties are lost.
Splash potions cost an additional 300 gp plus 400 gp per caster level of the potion unless specified otherwise. Lingering potions cost an additional 1,400 gp plus 800 gp per caster level of the potion unless specified otherwise. Alchemical ammunition costs the same as a splash potion of the same type unless specified otherwise. Any effect that has a duration can be bought in an extended duration version that increases the duration and doubles the price. All lingering potions can be bought with an extended duration and doing so also doubles the duration of the resulting mist.
Potion of RegenerationBack to Top
Aura Conjuration; CL 1st (Level I), 3rd (Level II), 5th (Level III), 7th (Level IV), 9th (Level V)
Slot —; Price 50 gp (Level I), 300 gp (Level II), 750 gp (Level III), 1,400 gp (Level IV), 2,250 gp (Level V); Weight
The drinker of this potion receives fast healing equal to the level of the potion for 1 minute or 2 minutes if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, infernal healing or celestial healing; Cost 25 gp (Level I), 150 gp (Level II), 375 gp (Level III), 700 gp (Level IV), 1,125 gp (Level V)
Potion of SwiftnessBack to Top
Aura Transmutation; CL 1st (Level I), 1st (Level II), 2nd (Level III), 3rd (Level IV), 4th (Level V)
Slot —; Price 25 gp (Level I), 50 gp (Level II), 150 gp (Level III), 300 gp (Level IV), 500 gp (Level V); Weight
The drinker of this potion receives an increase to their base speed equal to 5 feet per level of the potion, and an increase to their other movement types equal to half of that. This effect lasts for 10 minutes or 1 hour if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, longstrider; Cost 12 gp (Level I), 25 gp (Level II), 75 gp (Level III), 150 gp (Level IV), 250 gp (Level V)
Potion of Energy ResistanceBack to Top
Aura Abjuration; CL 3rd (Level I), 5th (Level II), 7th (Level III), 9th (Level IV), 11th (Level V)
Slot —; Price 300 gp (Level I), 500 gp (Level II), 700 gp (Level III), 900 gp (Level IV), 1,100 gp (Level V); Weight
The drinker of this potion receives resistance to one type of energy chosen when the potion is create. The drinker receives resistance equal to 5 plus 5 per level of the potion. (10 at Level I, 15 at Level II, 20 at Level III, etc.) This effect lasts for 10 minutes per caster level of the potion or twice that duration if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, resist energy; Cost 150 gp (Level I), 250 gp (Level II), 350 gp (Level III), 450 gp (Level IV), 550 gp (Level V)
Potion of HealingBack to Top
Aura Conjuration; CL 1st (Level I), 3rd (Level II), 5th (Level III), 7th (Level IV), 9th (Level V)
Slot —; Price 50 gp (Level I), 300 gp (Level II), 750 gp (Level III), 1,400 gp (Level IV), 2,250 gp (Level V); Weight
The drinker of this potion receives a number of d6 points of healing equal to the level of of the potion. This a positive energy effect. Creatures who are damaged by positive energy take the listed amount of healing as damage instead.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, any cure spell; Cost 25 gp (Level I), 150 gp (Level II), 375 gp (Level III), 700 gp (Level IV), 1,125 gp (Level V)
Potion of Night VisionBack to Top
Aura Transmutation; CL 1st (Level I), 3rd (Level II), 7th (Level III)
Slot —; Price 25 gp (Level I), 300 gp (Level II), 1,400 gp (Level III); Weight
The drinker of a level I potion of night vision receives low-light vision. The drinker of a level II potion of night vision receives darkvision to a range of 60 feet. The drinker of a level III potion of night vision receives darkvision to a range of 120 feet. This effect lasts for 1 hour minutes or 12 hours if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, darkvision or darkvision, greater; Cost 12 gp (Level I), 150 gp (Level II), 700 gp (Level III)
Potion of StrengthBack to Top
Aura Transmutation; CL 1st (Level I), 3rd (Level II), 7th (Level III)
Slot —; Price 50 gp (Level I), 300 gp (Level II), 750 gp (Level III); Weight
The drinker of this potion receives an alchemical bonus to their strength equal twice the level of the potion. This effect lasts for 10 minutes or 1 hour if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, bull's strength; Cost 25 gp (Level I), 150 gp (Level II), 375 gp (Level III)
Potion of LeapingBack to Top
Aura Transmutation; CL 1st (Level I), 5th (Level II), 9th (Level III)
Slot —; Price 50 gp (Level I), 250 gp (Level II), 450 gp (Level III); Weight
The drinker of this potion receives an alchemical bonus acrobatics checks made to high jump or long jump equal to +10 times the level of the potion. This effect lasts for 1 minute or 10 minutes if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, jump; Cost 25 gp (Level I), 125 gp (Level II), 225 gp (Level III)
Potion of Water BreathingBack to Top
Aura Faint Transmutation; CL 5th
Slot —; Price 750 gp; Weight
The drinker of this potion can breathe water freely. This effect lasts for 1 hour or 12 hours if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, water breathing; Cost 375 gp
Potion of InvisibilityBack to Top
Aura Illusion; CL 3rd (Level I), 7th (Level II)
Slot —; Price 300 gp (Level I), 1,400 gp (Level II); Weight
The drinker of this potion turns invisible as invisibility, or invisibility, greater if the potion is level II. This effect lasts for 1 minute or 10 minutes if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, invisibility or invisibility, greater; Cost 375 gp
Potion of Slow FallingBack to Top
Aura Faint Transmutation; CL 1st
Slot —; Price 50 gp; Weight
The drinker of this potion fall slowly and do not take fall damage as the spell feather fall except that the effect does not end when the drinker lands. This effect lasts for 1 minute or 10 minutes if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, feather falling; Cost 25 gp
Potion of PoisonBack to Top
Aura Necromancy; CL 1st (Level I), 3rd (Level II), 5th (Level III), 7th (Level IV), 9th (Level V)
Slot —; Price 25 gp (Level I), 150 gp (Level II), 375 gp (Level III), 700 gp (Level IV), 1,125 gp (Level V); Weight
The drinker of this potion receives 1d3 points of nonlethal poison damage per level of the potion each round for 1 minute or 2 minutes if extended. Splash versions of this potions only cost twice the regular price and lingering potions cost four times the listed price.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, poisoned egg or poison; Cost 12 gp (Level I), 75 gp (Level II), 187 gp (Level III), 350 gp (Level IV), 562 gp (Level V)
Potion of WeaknessBack to Top
Aura Transmutation; CL 1st (Level I), 3rd (Level II), 7th (Level III)
Slot —; Price 50 gp (Level I), 300 gp (Level II), 750 gp (Level III); Weight
The drinker of this potion a penalty to their strength equal to -2 times the level of the potion. Splash versions of this potions only cost twice the regular price and lingering potions cost four times the listed price. This effect lasts for 1 minute or 10 minutes if extended.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, ray of enfeeblement; Cost 25 gp (Level I), 150 gp (Level II), 375 gp (Level III)
Potion of SlownessBack to Top
Aura Transmutation; CL 1st (Level I), 1st (Level II), 2nd (Level III), 3rd (Level IV), 4th (Level V)
Slot —; Price 25 gp (Level I), 50 gp (Level II), 150 gp (Level III), 300 gp (Level IV), 500 gp (Level V); Weight
The drinker of this potion a penalty to all of their speed equal to 5 feet per level of the potion. This effect lasts for 10 minutes or 1 hour if extended. Splash versions of this potions only cost twice the regular price and lingering potions cost four times the listed price.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, glue seal or entangle; Cost 12 gp (Level I), 25 gp (Level II), 75 gp (Level III), 150 gp (Level IV), 250 gp (Level V)
Potion of HarmingBack to Top
Aura Necromancy; CL 1st (Level I), 3rd (Level II), 5th (Level III), 7th (Level IV), 9th (Level V)
Slot —; Price 50 gp (Level I), 300 gp (Level II), 750 gp (Level III), 1,400 gp (Level IV), 2,250 gp (Level V); Weight
The drinker of this potion takes a number of d6 points of damage equal to the level of of the potion. This a negative energy effect. Creatures who are healed by negative energy receive the listed amount of damage as healing instead.
Requirements a number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) equal to the caster level of the potion, any inflict spell; Cost 25 gp (Level I), 150 gp (Level II), 375 gp (Level III), 700 gp (Level IV), 1,125 gp (Level V)
This stat block goes with the Minecraft setting.